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  • Writer's pictureClaire Hagen D.C.

What's a drop ?

In the United States, in Minnesota, Dr. J. Clay Thomson, chiropractor, developed in 1955 an unconventional and revolutionary adjustment technique.

Basically, it consists of bringing the energy of the adjustment through a very rapid movement but on a very short path.

Called HVLA (High Velocity Low Amplitude), this technique has the advantage of increasing the mobility of the joint without cavitation, the famous cracking sometimes observed during an adjustment.

It is therefore particularly comfortable for the patient.

This type of treatment can only be performed with special equipment.

Dr. Thomson developed a chiropractic table with movable parts placed at specific locations on the patient's body, such as the hips, thoracic or cervical spine.

The mobile element rises a few centimeters, then, under a force exerted by the chiropractor, lowers ("to drop" in English) in a fraction of a second, thus creating the effect of high velocity over a short amplitude.

This technique has continued to evolve over time and is now part of the standard protocols of chiropractic, provided, of course, that the appropriate chiropractic table is available.

As an aside, osteopaths and physiotherapists do not use this therapeutic technique.

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